Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Discover the transformative power of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy at our esteemed clinic. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the incorporation of this groundbreaking treatment modality, designed to enhance skin quality and appearance through revolutionary science.

Revolutionary Science, Exceptional Results:

PRP therapy employs an autologous preparation of platelets, drawn from the patient's own blood. This innovative approach stimulates collagen and elastin production, fostering radiant skin, improved tone, and a reduction in the signs of aging for a firmer, more youthful appearance.

Proven Medical Heritage:

Platelet-rich plasma, rich in natural growth factors, has long been a staple in medical and dental applications. Its efficacy in supporting wound healing, treating joint diseases, and addressing musculoskeletal disorders underscores its reliability and safety.

Procedure Expertise:

Our adept aesthetic clinicians meticulously execute the PRP procedure. A small blood sample is drawn, and platelet concentration is prepared using a centrifuge. The resulting plasma is then delicately injected into specific areas of the skin.

Targeted Treatment Areas:

PRP therapy is particularly effective in rejuvenating the skin around the eyes, face, and cheeks, as well as the dorsum of the hands and the neck/décolletage area.

Versatile Applications:

In our aesthetic clinic, PRP is offered both as a standalone therapy and in conjunction with other non-surgical treatments, such as dermal hyaluronic acid treatment.

Optimized Technology:

We've developed treatment approaches that maximize the effects of PRP. Techniques like nappage, small bolus (both with tiny needles), and cannula methods are employed to target fine lines, scars, and skin laxity.

Variants of PRP Treatment:

Our PRP treatment includes pure PRP, while our next-generation PRP Advanced treatment combines the power of PRP with deeply hydrating hyaluronic acid (HA). This combination enhances skin hydration, radiance, and glow, ensuring longer-lasting results.

Diverse Treatment Areas:

PRP addresses various concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, tired and dull skin, skin hydration, radiance and glow, dark undereyes, undereye hollows, and serves as a hair growth stimulator, particularly beneficial post-COVID and as an adjunct to hair transplants.

Recommended Course:

To achieve optimum results, we recommend a series of 3-6 treatments performed every 4-6 weeks, with one maintenance treatment every 6 months.

Specialized Applications:

For specific conditions like acne scarring or signs of severe collagen depletion and sun damage, reassessment after 4-6 weeks may necessitate additional sessions.

Hair/Scalp PRP:

PRP treatment is highly effective for promoting stronger, thicker hair. A specialized regimen is recommended for post-hair transplants or sudden hair loss, with treatments every 4 weeks for a specified duration.

Collaborative Approach:

We often combine PRP with other treatment modalities, such as hyaluronic acid, to enhance results and promote accelerated healing.

Patient Guidance:

Before embarking on any PRP treatment, a consultation with your doctor is essential, ensuring a collaborative and personalized approach to your aesthetic journey.

Aftercare and Expectations:

Aftercare guidelines include avoiding strenuous exercise for 48 hours, refraining from anti-inflammatories and makeup for 48 hours, and avoiding other cosmetic treatments for 4 weeks. Results are generally noticeable within three weeks, with full collagen regeneration taking up to three months.

Safety and Contraindications:

PRP therapy is safe, sourced from the patient's own blood, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions. Contraindications include informing specialists of medications, blood thinners, or ongoing therapies.

Fees and Plans:

Fees range from €300-€1050, depending on treatment add-ons.
Hair/scalp packages are €1250 for 3 treatments or €550 per treatment, discussed at the time of treatment.
A minimum of 3 sessions is recommended, with biannual maintenance.

Nurturing Your Beauty from Within:
PRP therapy is not just a treatment; it's a transformative journey where science meets beauty. Our skilled clinicians, state-of-the-art techniques, and personalized care ensure you embark on a path to rejuvenation and radiance.

Explore the possibilities. Book your consultation today.